Created by: Martin Miguel I © 2019 All rights reserved.
Surf, River and Lots of Sunshine
Next to the popular central beach in Porto de Galinhas, two further beaches, even more beautiful than the first, can be found: Maracaipe Beach and Maracaipe Pontal.
Both beaches are regularly visited by water and wind sports fans thanks to the wonderful surfing conditions and the excellent natural conditions that make for hours of fun via a range of wind and water-sports, including stand up surfing and kite-surfing.
On the other hand, the Maracaipe Pontal offers a mix of qualities that can not be found in the other beaches. Natural pools, river, mangroves and one of the most beautiful sunsets.
Maracaipe (or “Maraca” to those who live there), stands out for one reason only… surf, surf and lots more surf!
The waves on the shores of Maracaipe are some of the best in Pernambuco for surfers. For many years, this beach has been an important site for Brazilian surfing championships, which is why it is visited by so many different athletes from around the world.
The Surfing Spirit
This style of life… beach, surf and tranquility, is the spirit of the people from Maracaipe and their “Ilha de todos os Santos” village that encircles the beach and is inhabited almost exclusively by natives.
During the week, it is a very calm and relaxing place. In contrast, during the weekend, lots of young people, normally from neighbouring Recife, flock to the beach to spend their free time surfing, listening to music and visiting the surrounding bars and restaurants with friends.
During the evenings, however, few of the bars remain open.
“El Pontal” is unequaled by any other place. Not only because of its beautiful landscape but also because of the range of sensations that are felt from simply being in this place.
Geographically, it is the point at which the river meet the sea, and this is what has caused the formation of a huge island of sand which is generally bathed in warm waters. Said that, it is a place were you will find sweet and salt water.
Between the river and the sea, a huge variety of crabs can be found (one particular type of crab, native to the area, is known as “siris” and has a distinctively flatter body and much longer legs than the common crab).
The mangrove is a coastal ecosystem of transition between terrestrial and marine biomes. This is found in humid zones characteristic of the tropical and subtropical regions where there is a meeting of the waters of the river with that of the sea.
The state of Pernambuco has approximately 270 square km of mangroves. In Pontal de Maracaipe, we can find 2 particular type of crabs, native to the area, are known as “siri” and “gaiamum” and has a distinctively flatter body and much longer legs than the common crab).
In these waters it is possible to find seahorses. If you take a Jangada, sometimes the driver bring in a glass with a seahorse inside. But we want to aware you, it is not good for this species, because they are pretty sensible. Our suggestion instead is to check out the Hipocampus project in Porto de Galinhas, were you will have the chance to see a lot about this species and you will be supporting this institution which is trying to preserve and take care of the seahorses.
Photo: Nathalia Verony
It is almost obligatory to make sure you witness at least one sunset in the Pontal to watch the sun gradually disappear behind the river and the palm trees.
Sometimes, it is possible to see the moon come out just minutes after the sunset occurs in this special spot. (Remember that the moon comes out over the sea, which is in exact opposition to where the sun sets, so you will have to keep an eye out in both drections if you have a hope of catching sight of them both.)
The moon comes out slowly, from way out across the water, until it finds the perfect position in the pitch black sky, shining a brilliant light across the surface of the sea. Naturally, if you are lucky enough to experience the shift from sunshine to moonlight on the night of a full moon, the overall effect will be even more impressive.
On foot:
If you enjoy walking, you can arrive to Maracaipe beach within half an hour from Porto de Galinhas. The route demonstrates the real beauty of the landscape and of the combination of the wide coconut plantation and the deserted beaches which, even during the high season, cherish and radiate a solitary and peaceful sensation.
If you continue walking for another 20 minutes along the same route, you will arrive at “El Pontal”.
By car:
If you take the route from Porto de Galinhas (starting from the gas station in the centre of Porto de Galinhas):
– Turn right (going away from the center) and drive 200 meters until you reach a roundabout
– Take the last exit at the roundabout, continue driving until you reach a second roundabout after 400 meters at which point you sould continue straight over the roundabout along the paved street until the very end (roughly 1.5 km)
– Take a left (still driving along the paved street) and continue for another 300 meters until you reach the Maracaipe beach.
On foot or by car:
– From Maracaipe, continue along the street parallel to the street (a street made of sand) until the very end (roughly 1 km). Here you will be able to park your car and continue the following meters necessary on foot as is not possible to go to the end.
– Bear in mind that when it is high tide, it is not always possible to travel by car because the sandy street is invaded by the sea.
Both beaches are the two final stops on the “Point to Point” trail, after having visited the beaches known as Muro Alto, Cupe and the central beach of Porto de Galinhas. If you want to know more about this, please contact us.
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Created by: Martin Miguel I © 2019 All rights reserved.